The epitome of comfort food

That is the first thought that went through my head when I tasted the finished product of this recipe. So. Good.

Too good, in fact. I made it before heading to yoga and got a little carried away with “tasting” it. Anyone who does hot yoga regularly knows the pain that comes with eating a full meal before class. Needless to say, I spent a fair bit of the class digesting in child’s pose.

I’m avid Pinterest user so it’s where I get most of my recipes. This recipe was no exception.

Follow my Vegan recipe board.

And what brought me to this recipe?

Well, for a reason I’m still not entirely sure of, this week a guy in my French course brought in squash for the entire class. I missed last week’s class where apparently there was a discussion about why this was a thing that was happening but the gist of it was that he’s a vegetarian and grows his own squash and made a joke (?) about bringing in squash for everyone and then did. Yeah… I don’t know. That was the explanation I got and I didn’t care enough to press it. I was just happy to have free squash!

I took my gift home and immediately began a Pinterest hunt for a recipe to use it in. I pinned a couple options but ultimately settled on this one: Creamy Squash Curry Quinoa. AKA: the epitome of comfort food.

Taken from

Like, look at that. It looks like a hug in a bowl.

Anyway, it was a breeze to make and now I have enough leftovers to last me a week – not that I’m complaining! I will happily eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner (will verify the accuracy of this statement next week).

Instructions are below (click image to enlarge). Here are some more of my thoughts on it:

  • Be wary of the serving size. It says it serves six so unless you’re feeding six very hungry people, I would recommend cutting it in half. I wasn’t kidding when I said I have enough leftovers to last me a week.
  • adore spicy food so the next time I make I will be adding chili peppers to the onion/garlic/squash puree. Sriracha complemented it quite well.
  • Total cooking time (including prep) was about 45 minutes – and most of that prep time was spent struggling to chop up that squash. If the recipe wasn’t so damn good I’m pretty sure I’d never cook Kabocha squash again based on that alone.
  • I used Daiya mozzarella “cheese” to keep it vegan.


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