
This evening it was too humid to go for a run so I settled for a chocolate milkshake instead.


Choco Chip Milkshake

Makes 1 serving
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 2 mins

1 cup almond milk (sweetened or not, whatever suits your indulgence)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp maple syrup (or other sweetener of your choice)
1 tbsp nut butter (I like almond)
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 frozen banana
3 ice cubes

1/4 choco chips
2 strawberries, chopped
Generous spoonful of coconut whipped cream

  1. Throw all the ingredients into your blender and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Pour into fancy glass (treat yo self!)
  3. Top with choco chips, strawberry and whipped cream. YUM.
  4. Add a straw, a long spoon and relaxxxxxxx 🙂

Sunday brought to you by Oh She Glows

Well, not literally. But if you read that title thinking, “everything she ate today must’ve been inspired by that great vegan and gluten-free blog/cookbook” then yes, you may take it literally.

Because today I went on an Oh She Glows kick and it’s had me feeling all domestic. Maybe it’s the rainy weather, maybe it’s the yummy food or maybe it’s having the apartment to myself and blasting old school hip hop while I heat up the kitchen. Ok, maybe the last part doesn’t exactly fit the definition of “domestic” but whatever, it made me happy.

Sunday mornings I try to make something nice and different for breakfast; throughout the week I usually stick to my trusty Green Monster smoothie or cereal, if I’m giving the Vitamix a break. So Sundays are when I flex my vegan breakfast muscles.

And this Sunday was no exception. Last night I flipped through the Oh She Glows cookbook and decided to try her “Out-the-Door Chia Power Doughnuts” with Coconut-Lemon Whipped Cream for breakfast today. Thankfully there’s a 24-hour grocery store nearby so I popped over for some midnight grocery shopping to grab all the ingredients and this morning it was go time!

IMG_3929Look at those beauties! A fantastic way to start the day, if I do say so myself.

The doughnuts don’t have any gluten, sugar or oil. They’re baked in a doughnut pan (or, if you don’t have one, a muffin tin) and are light, fluffy and a little crunchy thanks to the chia seed. So not only is it decadent but it’s also pretty healthy! 5-star rating from me, for sure.

Angela doesn’t share the recipe on her site so I’m not going to share it here; you’re gonna have to buy the cookbook yourselves if you want to try it.

But I will give a tip about the coconut whipped cream (which is on her site). Angela recommends using a hand mixer to whip the coconut milk but, alas, I do not own one. So I had to call in the Vitamix. A risky move considering the Vitamix creates a lot of heat that can quickly turn your coconut whipped cream to coconut milk soup.

So here’s the tip: if using a Vitamix (or similar type of blender) add the solidified coconut milk, vanilla extract, maple syrup and blend on high for no more than 12 secondsJust enough time to whip all the ingredients and get that desired consistency, but not enough that it starts to get too hot up in there.

Also, that coconut whipped cream is dangerously good. Like, lick the bowl kind of good. Eat alone with a spoon kind of good. Use as — ok I think you get the point. It’s really, really good. So once you master the preparation of it I think it’ll be a welcome addition to your life, as it has become to mine 😉

Anyway, that was breakfast.

Dinner came from her cookbook as well and was the broccoli & cashew cheese-quinoa burrito. Another recipe I won’t share but another sauce that deserves its own mention.

That cashew cheese sauce. Oh. My. God. Lick the bowl kind of good… Eat alone with a spoon kind of good… Yeah, today I was definitely having a moment with sauces/toppings.

This isn’t the exact same cheese recipe that’s in her cookbook but it’s pretty close:

Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 6.28.37 PMI highly recommend it. I think what got me was the addition of Dijon – such a nice, subtle flavour. YUM!

For dessert I also tapped into the cookbook and made banana soft-serve ice cream topped with chopped strawberries and, yep you guessed it, some of the leftover coconut whipped cream. A perfect dish to end a day of perfect meals.


She’s working on a new cookbook and I’m pretty stoked for it. She knocked it out of the park with OSG1 so I have nothing but high expectations for OSG2. It’s a sequel I’m actually excited for!