I’m sorry

Okay okay okay… I know. I have fallen off on posting here. But I can explain, I swear.

I spent January (and part of February) in Costa Rica doing a yoga teacher training. Rough life, right? Then I came back and… have been extremely lazy. And broke, so it’s been difficult to go out and try all the awesome vegan things that Toronto has to offer. Also, it’s been CRAZY cold since I’ve returned so we all know I’ve been hibernating in my apartment wishing I was back in Costa Rica.

But I’m back and recommitted to this blog. I mean, I’m still broke so there will probably be less restaurant reviews and more recipe posts but, hey, at least it’s something.

To make it up to you dear readers I’ll share this glorious piece of news: TBC’s leftover sandwich is back this weekend. Go. Go right now and get it. Your life will change and your day week month will instantly be made. Bakery closes at 6PM. You’re welcome.